Not too good with Sketchup so this is my best effort..
This is to be made from American White Oak. The top is 750mm X 300mm to fit a space in the hall.
I need some advice.
Legs - I started at 45mm X 45mm but that seemed too heavy for a small table so am thinking 35mm X 35mm but is that too light. I don't want to taper them but should I consider this?
Height - I am thinking 750mm but is that too low?
I am aware that it could look out of proportion if too tall as it has a quite small top.
Bottom stretcher - Should it be across the centre from side stretcher to side stretcher or across the back between the rear legs?
What do you think? Please keep in mind that I am an enthusiastic hobbyist not a pro and this will be my first proper piece of 'furniture'.