N00b - Checking in, saying hi and a question about podcasts


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New member
23 May 2019
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Hi Folks,

I've just signed up having found an interesting (OLD) post about sash cramps - I thought my forum days were well behind me, but in for a penny in for a pound so I've signed up. Thought I'd drop in here to say hi!

so - HI! :D

Bit of background, I'm Pete, I'm in the process of transitioning from a lifelong career in Video Games (25 years) into becoming a self employed Joiner/Carpenter/Cabinet Maker/Maker of things Maker type whatsit. Been at this now for lets say ~18 months...

Since leaving games about 6 years back I tried various other attempts at kicking off a new career - one of which was an organisational management consultant for small business owners, utilising my background in project management and personal task management, in this capacity I ended up helping out a few joiners and kind of got sucked into that world instead, helping out in workshops, going on site visits fitting stuff, to the point where I made the decision to pursue that instead full time.

I'm currently studying a part-time City & Guilds course in Level 1 Carpentry, due to end in a few weeks, Moving on (I think) I'll be specialising in Bench joinery. My fledgling business is taking orders, I'm learning fast and when I can I help out experienced joiners/carpenters with fitting, or providing tech drawings for them - I do.

I use SketchUp, (and have done for years) and consider myself a 'power user' (My background in Game Dev and the 3D tools we used there to create geometry meant this was a relatively easy transition - in fact SketchUp had been briefly used 'back in the day' to rapidly prototype ideas for levels layouts and stuff) - So whilst I may be new to physical construction of objects using power tools and what not, I think it's fair to say I'm pretty adept at using digital design tools and tech.

Which brings me to my first off-topic question - podcasts... specifically woodworking/tool related...

Anyone out there listen to podcasts? Any recommendations?

I already subscribe to *Measuring Up* (Youtubers Andy Mac and Peter Millard collaborative effort) - it's pretty good listening, especially as they're from opposite ends of the country and their relative experiences of similar scenarios is informative and eye opening.

I'll leave it at that. If anyone has any recoommendations re: Podcasts, that'll be cool - Thanks folks, I look forward to joining the chat/bantz.

Oh... FWIW - I'm down in Brighton, South Coast. :)

Cheers 8)
Great. Thanks Andy, added to my feed - looks like loads of interesting topics.

That'll keep me busy.
PJRanson":25y07zs2 said:
Hi Folks,

Anyone out there listen to podcasts? Any recommendations?

I already subscribe to *Measuring Up* (Youtubers Andy Mac and Peter Millard collaborative effort) - it's pretty good listening...

Delighted to hear that we rank as high as ‘pretty good’ ;)

Not sure if you were after UK-based podcasts specifically, or just woodworker/maker podcasts in general, but we recommended some early on in the first series of the Measuring Up podcast :-

Making it
Fools with Tools
The shop stool podcast (on an extended break?)
Makers international
The Dusty Life

Should be a decent starting point, anyway.

Cheers, Peter
Thanks Peter,

That's my trademark understating of things.

I recall you did some shout outs early on but couldn't remember which episode it was on... (Therefore I appreciate the update) Pity about the shop stool being on hiatus ...

Keep up the good work - I hope you managed to finish off those bedside cabinets - sounds like a blooming nightmare.

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