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I wonder whether this is the product a Mr.Collins was on about a few months ago... :-k

Unless I missed it, I couldn't see the designer's name mentioned on this site...
Its the very same, there's a picture of him on there.

A very slick website, good luck to him. I still don't see it as a product with a place in my life, but maybe theres a market.

Am i missing something? It looks like two frisbees hinged together with some magnets stuck on.
It look likes the sort of thing that gets a good going over on Dragons den. All the best to the guy but I cannot see anything special about it.
The original poster has edited his post to remove the details and weblink for some reason, but basically it was the circular saw blade holder that FRCollins kept banging on about in a thread some time ago.

I didn't see the original post, but I assume it's this:

I saw it posted earlier on a US site and they are going mad for it. I think he'll do well in the states. Personally I can't see the point in it? We're woodworkers. Why do we need to buy plastic saw blade holders?
wizer":3im1uz9d said:
I didn't see the original post, but I assume it's this:

I saw it posted earlier on a US site and they are going mad for it. I think he'll do well in the states. Personally I can't see the point in it? We're woodworkers. Why do we need to buy plastic saw blade holders?

so when are you placing your order? :lol:

There's a little shaft that sticks out the back of my Kity with a screw thread on the end that all my saw blades live on with spacers in between
Well, I quite like it although, I'm not saying I would urgently look to buy one unless I had several spare blades. It's quite similar to what I had in mind for this design. Only thing I didn't imagine was the tool and glove storage. I'll be impressed if he can sell these for less than £30, which is what the Festool ones are going for... :?
I clicked on 'my'. but nothing... Just like Mailee, I am totally lost.

I found the site. Hmmm...

I keep my blades in the plastic packaging they came in, and hang them on one of those 'straight cup-hooks'.

I like the inventive list of 'reasons' to use this blade-holder though!
:lol: :lol:

John :wink:
At the moment I have about half a dozen blades in their original packaging which I keep and put them back into when I change to another.

All of these are stored in a deep drawer on top of each other.

For a production shop this would be ideal really as it keeps everything in one place....but it is not something I can't live without.

I wish him well...the site is certainly slick and a quick infomercial on US TV will have them selling by the thousands...great that British innovation still does that!

