Yes I can see that view but if rents were lower and you had a lot more disposable income as a result then is there really much difference. Buying a property ties you down for say 25 years and all repairs and upkeep are down to you, if renting was cheaper then your outlay is less and no upkeep so you have money to spend. I think a lot of europe does the renting more because the rent is sensable and people want to have more money in their pockets. You may end up owning the property but it can be a brick round your neck, it is an asset but you need somewhere to live so downsize, release equity, leave in your will. This all goes wrong when you get old and need care, now owning a property is just money to pay for the care whereas someone who has rented and had extra money to spend all their life now gets it free and they could be in the same care home as you! Same old story in that you have something and so get nothing, have nothing and get everything.