The easy way - though not fool-proof - would be to see whether the thread-form had a rounded or flat crest/root. A Whitworth Form (55°) will (if fully formed) have a rounded crest and root - but if the OD was reduced then it could have a flat. The UNC (60°)
could have a rounded root but will always have a flat crest -- as long as it hasn't been worn. So much depends upon how and where it has been used.
A good quality Thread Pitch Gauge will have both Whit. , Unified and Metric thread form gauges as separate 'leaves' -- the one shown in the video (as explained by the presenter)
appears to have Imperial (TPI) legends on one side of each leaf and Metric (Pitch) legends on the other. If that is so, then the thread angle will probably be neither 55° or 60° so would only be useful to check an approximation of the TPI or Pitch, not to determine Whit. , Unified or Metric. I can't point you to a supplier of quality gauges though.
The best way would be to get access to a 50:1 shadowgraph so that you can measure the image
I'm in the process of writing a computer program that calculates the micrometer reading over 'three wires' when measuring the effective diameter of many threads. It also shows the form and various other features which might be useful. If you would like to see (test) a copy send me a PM with your e-mail address.