Making a woody scraper plane

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Le dullard de la commune
2 Mar 2007
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I've just been reading this

Making Woodwork Aids and Devices by Robert Wearing ( got it for 4 quid on t'internet!)

I want to make the adjustable scraper plane he describes.

Anyone made one ??
lurker":lo1rpmj2 said:
I've just been reading this

Making Woodwork Aids and Devices by Robert Wearing ( got it for 4 quid on t'internet!)


I want to make the adjustable scraper plane he describes.

Anyone made one ??

I don't think it's a popular design - I've only seen one "live" copy, long ago.

I don't know why. Possible it's doesn't ave enough advantages over the common and cheap #80.

I've seen the Japanese style. Are there any pics of Wearing's design? Couldn't Googlise it
Hi, Lurker

Does it look like this?

That is my little rosewood scraper plane comes in handy.


is the blade at 90 degrees to the work? Roughly what angle is the bevel? How wide is the blade, and is that enough?

I'm just thinking.........

Hi, Mike

I think its 90 deg but I will check tonight, the blade is 1 1/4 inch with a 30deg bevel.


I knew I'd seen a nice one somewhere!!!

What profile does the blade have??
I assume the bevel is facing forward and it is sharpened like a standard plane blade ( that is with no "hook")

I will make one like yours (proportionally) but slightly larger to accomodate one of the many woody blades I have lying around.

Regards the Wearing version does anyone know of the adjustment feature is worth the effort??

Mike - get off the slope quick, or all is lost :lol:
Hi, Lurker

The bevel is facing the backwards and I think it has no hook, another thing to check tonight!

Try handholding a blade to see what works best and use that angle instead of making an adjustable one, might be easier, of make lots at different angles :wink:

Pete (slope greaser)
lurker":genyc1os said:
Mike - get off the slope quick, or all is lost :lol:

:D :D


even I recognise that there are limits to what you can do with 2 planes!! A scraper plane and a big job.......(no.7 or similar) are all I'm missing really. I don't want to shoot myself in the foot, but one of these scrapers looks really easy to make, and would hopefully be the thing that replaces my card scraper, right at the end of the furniture-making process.

Too late :roll:

I bet you that by end of December 2010 assuming you carry on regular correspondence on this forum, that you have in excess of 10 planes (Pete Maddex definition).

Can we find a neutral to hold the money?

Actually, there is a chance, I suppose, as my dad died a while back in Oz and left me his hand-tools. I know he had a few decent planes, but I don't know what or how many, and my brother never seems to get around to taking a photo of them for me.

Now thats not fair! :lol: :lol:

Your hierloom is bound to fill some gaps in the slope wish list

When I threw down the challenge all I knew was you kept harping on about 2 planes being enough.

I don't suppose we could have a photo of the underside of your scraper plane, could we?

Could you comment on it's size? Is it big enough? Would it be any use to have it wider.

1 plane for 28 years, 2 planes for the last 2 years...........and you won't take up a hundred pound bet that I won't have 10 in a a couple of years time? Coward!! :D :D

I find that a plane iron, sharpened as normal, will act as a scraper on the most stubborn, curly grain. When I use one as such, I have the bevel facing backwards and tilt the blade forwards about 30 deg.

Easier than a cabinet scraper, no bowing of the blade of course and it doesn't get so hot; much nicer on the thumbs!

Hi, Mike

I will do some photos and dimensions, hopefully tonight after I defrost the cat flap, they have been out all night :cry:

Hi, Mike

O/k cat flap defrosted, cleaned, drain holes drilled, so here are the pics.

Under side, mouth a bit wide should have moved the cross pin up and made a thinner wedge.


Blade angle 95deg or 85deg up to you :wink:

Some shavings made tonight, must sharpen the blade!

You've flapped the cat, de-frosted it, then drilled some drain holes in it? :shock:
I understand your sentiment, Pete, but I wouldn't have advertised all that on the never know who might read it!

Anyway, thanks for the great photos.....really useful! I have to say I am surprised by the wide mouth (why does Dave Allen spring to mind as I write that??!)........but my logic is now telling me that with a near-vertical blade the size of the mouth is completely irrelevent.

When I finally get my workshop out of metal-working mode I might have a crack at one of these.

Would it be any use bigger?

Thanks again.
