Nyuck, Nyuck, Nyuck!
Could he clamp extra timber to the side of the board he wants to cut and using this extra width do the cut along the edge of the sheet with a skillsaw and fence and have a tidy up with the plane afterwards?
He could. It would work but not as well as the table saw but if that is all you had. If you had a radial arm saw the blade could be laid over and the board on the flat pushed past it. If access to a wide enough thicknesser is available the board could be sent through on an angled sled. A surfacer could be used too by having a board setup beside the machine to get the angle and the board sent over a number of times until the desired result was achieved. You can pretty much use any machine you have (wide belt sander, stoke sander, electric hand plane, router, bandsaw, CNC router etc) if you give it some thought and preparation.