Loose tenon shaker doors - how long to clamp?


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4 Nov 2024
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I've been making some 2100 x 560 shaker doors with the loose tenon method and I'm gluing with PVA.

Only have enough clamps for one door at a time but I'm on a bit of time pressure, how long would you reckon I could get away with clamping them without risking the joins? They're being clamped indoors if that matters.

At a real push, and in warm conditions, say 22ºC+, you could probably get away with as little as 30 minutes in clamp. I have done similar with solid wood edge joinery, i.e., a plain well prepared sprung butt edge joint - it was a risk, more risky I'd say than your M&T type joinery, but it worked. Slainte.
I assume you have a stock of stiles, rails and panels all machined up and ready for assembly. If they're all fitting accurately there should be no forces tending pull the joints apart. Therefore there is no need to.wait until the PVA has gained significant strength. I would say that you should use your clamps to cramp up the joints and hold them for 15mins or so then move on to the next door. Leave the glued up doors undisturbed overnight on a flat surface and they'll be ready for the next stage next day.
I've done this with 2 sets of clamps, so I glue up one door, set it aside in clamps, and glue up another. By the time I have the second door in clamps and the squeeze-out cleaned up I can unclamp the first door, and lay it flat to finish drying.

This is with MR MDF 5 piece doors with loose tenons, ala Peter Millard.
The one thing you can say about woodworking is that you can never have enough clamps, clamps and more clamps is the way to go as I found. With metal you can tack weld and it stays put but wood is a different game as it has a mind of it's own and wants to do it's own thing.
Or buy some titebond 2. Goes off very quickly, especially in warm conditions, ideally with some air circulation. Probably get away with 30 mins if the joints are made well and not needing excessive pressure to make.
A lot of people use pu too.
Or you could have a go at a no clamp method, screwing down cauls and using tapers or wedges, but I have always found it harder to ensure square this way.
Not so much of a problem if you over make the size of the doors and trim them into square after.
I use Polyvine PolyTen fast grab PVA, and in a warm workshop you can get away with 20 minutes in clamps before ‘light handling’ ie not moving them around much. Half an hour was always my preference though, and more clamps.
If its a 5 piece mdf door with the panel glued in I clamp for 30mins then carefully undo the clamps and set the door aside on a flat surface and move onto the next.
I then leave the set aside doors overnight before sanding etc.
I always Use decent pva which tacks quickly.
Bear in mind until the glue has dried properly in the joint you will lose some compression, more cramps always
you could also make up some clamps from scrap wood - a wooden bar, two end blocks and a pair of folding wedges