No Skills,
I have been made redundant twice. In both cases due to incompetent bosses with big salaries and bigger carts who could not do what they boasted they were doing. The last one was the No2 IT company in the world.
I was very sad, embarrassed, fearful, determined and finally angry at the pineapples. After about 2 weeks of no responses to job applications ( 200+) I simply decided I would find work for myself. Took me 2 days to create a Limited Company, you probably would not need one, and 3 weeks to find work as a self employed consultant with the worlds largest IT company for 9 months. First years was 2x previous salary, second year was 3x salary and stayed there until I retired last month. I worked only 9 months out of 12 but for 12-15 hrs a day.
I think from that I took the following to heart. I faced forward and waved 2 fingers at the old company. I went and found new experiences and new contacts and new work.....I never looked back at the cretins, I had no regrets and after about 3 yrs no fears.....I could a) make a living b) turn down some of the worst work/people mixes and c) take time off when I wanted to.
Go forward. A journey starts with but a single step
Good luck and fortune in your journey.