Long dog hair....


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just can't decide
24 Jul 2020
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Vamos, Crete, GREECE.......
Yes, now it's a crazy question for this forum but needs must.....
So, I have 3 very long haired Border Collies that need clipping at least once per year.....
Plus foster puppies that seem to find all the velcro type weeds.....
I need some good clippers.....Battery type would be pref....
Is there anyone on the forum that has a Vet or dog groomer in the family they could ask......
just don't wanna by rubbish....
Oh, just so u know
here they charge 60euro's to clip a dog n nothing fancy.....plus it's a 1hour drive....
Ours have a cord and were about $400Cad a few years ago when we bought it. The array of depth combs were another hundred I think. We bought it a a specialty pet store. They had a range of prices that started at a hundred but you get what you paid for. Didn't get a battery unit as we only use it 4 or so times a year and generally my experience with battery stuff is they don't last and are environmentally worse than a cord. I know a guy in Japan that has Border Collies that he herds sheep with. I could ask him if you want to wait a few days for an answer. If you want the brand we have I can get that info later.

I recall border collie hair being more of an issue with vacuum cleaner rollers than clippers, but no experience in the last 20 years. We've clipped the dogs with a lower end pro grade clipper and never allowed them to get matted. I think matting would be a bigger challenge than burrs, etc, picked up - it's like trying to push a clipper through felt.

Not sure what the options are like in greece, but the way to get low end pro clippers here is to go to a barber supply that's open to the public (some only sell to licensed barbers) and ask them what would work in hair "and for dog hair, because I will probably clip the dog, too", so they don't tell you to go to a pet supply place.

Low end pro stuff here is $60-$80. Once you get into commercial clippers that may be used on sheep, dogs, horses, the prices are a lot more like what pete says.
bought qual shearers for our sheep in France.....€300 euro's.....
wouldn't touch the dogs fur......
wife has been doing by hand each time.....and me.......hahaha......

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