I have been slowly expanding my very humble and cheap clamp collection but so far I haven't plunged into getting any long bar/body clamps. Not doing any big joinery work so no need for sash clamps I feel. So far, for cabinets and joining laminates I've been relying on a strap that is supposed to be used as a bin lock so very far from adequate, and the bloody students, (I mean non-howdy neighbours) are using my bins again! At present the Bessey Uniklamps are on sale 4 x 800mm for £103 and 4 x 1000mm for £113 (on the bessey website and also on toolchimp). I was eyeing up the cheap no brand orange ones on ebay but these prices are not that far off of those. I've almost used up my monthly "boys toys" budget as the good wife calls it and was hoping to use what I had left to buy some hardwood timber this weekend at the monthly local forestry sale but then I saw these. I'm not sure if this is an especially good price or the usual "sale" price 6 months out of the year? What should I do? Local wood or big clamps? Are the Uniklamps worth the hype or any other alternatives?