Paddy Roxburgh":30ufbmmm said:
You ask and interesting question here Charles How do we compare prices over time, do LN and the like cost more than Stanley and diston did 50 years ago? You are correct that we do not necessarily have reliable data to make comparisons (certainly I don't). As I find this an interesting question I am starting a new thread to ask older forum users what insite they can offer on this question.
Given Stanley's output, if they were charging what would compute to be an equivalent amount to today's L-N plane they were just blatantly raping their market. Imagine Thomas Lie-Nielsen producing and selling as many planes as Stanley did and at the current amount he charges for planes. He would be worth millions and millions of dollars. Does not pass the laugh test. Seriously.
I would GUESS that six months' to a year's worth of production at Stanley's peak will have represented the entire production of Lie-Nielsen from birth of the company to whatever point in time they cease production. Stanley made a boatload of planes in their day. I would imagine Stanley scrapped more planes in a year than Lie-Nielsen sells in a year and probably by a wide margin.