As said earlier, I think that the black & yellow ones (called Salamanders here I think) are legally protected, but I don't know about the "ordinary" ones.
I can check, but it's hardly worth it right now 'cos as above, the little so and so has taken the day off (and the last 2 days too).
Whatever, I/we shall try not to harm him if/when he turns up again. As also said before, this is a basement room, wood panelled throughout, so there's loads of spiders around (judging by all the webs those little so-and-so s leave underneath the semi-built-in office desks and around all the computer/scanner/printer cabling).
Edit for P.S: And when we had a badger colony under the house foundation slab (this house is built on the side of a steep slope) the local "forester chief" only came and delivered an aerosol full of REALLY stinky stuff designed to send wild boars on their way, otherwise it was all down to us. It did work but it didn't 'arf stink, and since we just blocked the entry up with big stones and concrete (after they'd cleared off I hasten to add) we've had no further problems with badgers here. But "lizzie" is a bit smaller and quicker than yer average badger - no idea where he is right now, but doubt if he's gone back out whichever way he came in 'cos it's miserable wet & cold here again.