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Twelve years of the conservatives, three PM's and they want to advertise things spiraling out of control, they were the ones at the helm and now we have that gormless muppet at the helm so we all know which way it is going to go.
Can I gently remind you about the 70's and the years of Labour control 74 - 79 with 90% tax rates, garbage piled up and left rotting in the streets and a whole host of other not particularly pleasant things the "average joe" had to content with?

Yeah, all Labour - all borked after the previous post war growth UNDER CONSERVATIVES, and it was then Dame Maggie Thatcher (CONSERVATIVE) whom pulled us out of tha Sh*tshow to give us unprecedented levels of growth and wealth, which I would imagine you or your parents Spectric benefitted from GREATLY.

Labour supporters memory always seen to fail to remember those FACTS, maybe it's because it shows them up for the hypocrites they are.
So if she was so great why did so many lose there homes and throw the keys back. The problem now is that we have a government that has a track record of failure and overall nothing else that is really fit for office, we need to pick and mix the best bits from all parties to make one. The biggest issue is we are trying to fight in the heavyweight league as just lightweights and need to settle down into a new rung on the worlds ladder and accept we are no longer what we once were.
"and accept we are no longer what we once were."

Well said Spectric. If you take an economist's view of the last three-four decades, politics do not matter. Under each and every government, our growth has been negative. In other words, we are smaller than we once were, less productive than we once were and thereby, are worth less. Fancy accounting - and relabelling existing funds to make them 'go round twice' - might give the electorate an immediate fuzzy feeling (to vote you 'in') but it is an illusion.

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