Joke Thread 4 (closed).

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Perhaps the forum could automatically recycle jokes from the JOKES 1 thread.

With a bit of luck "goldfish syndrome" will kick in. They do say the old ones are the best - and if lucky we may laugh again at that which amused us first time around.
There's no such thing as an old joke - there's always somebody who hasn't heard it yet! Perhaps we could give it a try.

A Max Miiler joke.
A man standing at the bar supping a pint when the phone rings
He picks up the phone and a lady said "Darling you know that car I've been talking about you know we can afford it and I would be so grateful if I could have it. "
After a moments thought he said "OK darling go and get it and you can show me how grateful later"
He then held the phone aloft and shouted "Who dose this phone belong to"
From the best man at my son's wedding...

"Before I begin the speech proper, I would like to make a public service announcement. To the person who lost a wallet containing £60, I found the wallet".

From when I had to give the best man speech, I recommended the ABC-XYZ of giving speeches.

Always Be Cheerful - eXamine Your Zip (beforehand).
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