Joke Thread 4 (closed).

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And also in your head imagine the Diesel powered plant and vehicles to make and cast the concrete and transport the various parts to the site and erect and maintain them.
Is that aimed at me?
A man phoned his local collage.

" Hello I'd like to book my girl friend onto one of your courses "

Reception "That's nice what course is she looking for"

"Oh I didn't know we offered that,... I will put you through to the department Secretary "

Department Secretary " That must be new I didn't realize we were doing that "

"Just a moment our head of departments here I will ask him"

"Professor Smith, I have someone asking about a new course "

"Oh I see"

" I'm sorry caller that's not available at this time, can I help with anything else, no well good buy"

Man turns to girl friend " See that guys a professor and even he says there's no accounting for women "
It's aimed at anyone who thinks wind farms are the answer.
I'm imagining how much concrete was poured and how many diesel vehicles were involved in building that dirty power station, as well as how much fuel it will consume during its lifetime, every day of every month of every year until it's decommissioned. Then when I imagine the resources used to build a load of wind turbines and realise that after that, there's very little more input, I kind of get the idea that the wind turbines are the better answer.
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