@sunnybob and for inspector:
Although sunnybob is mainly correct, it is not true that you dial "00" from EVERY country to access the international STD system - sunnybob's right in many cases but that does not work in all countries - for example, when I lived in Singapore I had to dial "015" to access International STD.
Inspector, I don't know what the International STD code is from Saskatoon, but I'm sure you know what it is, and AFAIK, that NEVER changes as long as you stay calling from within that country (note please, we're NOT talking about states or counties or provinces here, but WHOLE COUNTRIES).
So for example, my (made up) phone number at home in Switzerland is 061 113 0100. That's what I'd dial if I was calling home from outside my home but still within Switzerland. But if I was calling home from outside of Switzerland, (lets say from UK) than I'd dial 00 41 61 113 0100 - note that the first "0" has been DROPPED from the above, but ADDED to the above number, at the front, has been the "00" followed immediately by the "41".
The above "00" is what gets me into the International STD system in UK (and as said, in many other - but NOT all - countries), and the "41" is ALWAYS the international dialling code for Switzerland - just as "44" is ALWAYS the code for all the UK (but NOT for Southern Ireland - "Eire" - please note).
AFAIK (well the only country I can think of off hand) where you do NOT drop that first "0" off a number when calling them internationally is for any number in Italy. Just in case you wanted to know!
Now sunnybob's "+": You may not have a "+" sign on your phone inspector, but just as sunnybob says, many modern telephones (but again NOT all) will automatically use a "+" instead of whatever the International STD code is in the country where you as are. The "+" was added as an internationally-agreed symbol just because, as above, although it's very very common these days, it is NOT always the case in all countries that the International STD access code is "00". From the USA for example it's "010", and I already gave the example of Singapore above.
Sorry if all the above is confusing but I've spent a large part of my working life making and receiving phone and fax calls to and from all sorts of weird and wonderful places in the world! (As an aside, back in the days before digital key pads on phone hand sets - remember the old round and round dials? - the first time I went to New Zealand in the 1970s I was absolutely astounded - not to say very confused - to find that all NZ phone dials had ALL the numbers reversed except for the "0" - i.e. "1" was where "9" would be on a "normal" UK dial phone - and so on and so on, right round the dial)!
Anyway, back to your query, what you need to dial from Saskatoon to get to your contact in UK is the following:
"XX" (that's whatever your International STD access code is) then followed by "44", then followed by the complete number, but MINUS the first zero of the phone number that they publish.