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Hi Ian,

Yeah I can understand you being a bit baffled by it, it looks a bit like one of those sterile YouTube channels and you wonder if they ever do any woodworking 😅 There are three reasons for it in my case:

  • I don't do woodworking very much - the odd weekend here and there when I have a project I'm working on - I will probably do it a bit more often once I get my life organised
  • I have OCD and a high sensitivity to clutter - as such I clear up pretty much every time I make a mess, otherwise I can't relax.
  • Because I do yoga in there, and other types of exercise, I need the floors to be clean at all times - so I tend to make sure it's clean for the next visit. It can be a bit annoying but it's no different from how you work in a kitchen, you never walk off leaving food remains allover the worktop so once in the habit it's not so bad.

In general, I get a certain sense of calm from an organised space, it's partly what I like about having the space in the first place. It's my little zone for having my stuff just how I want it. I'm on the end of the bell curve, but I always have been :)

