iPhone 7 or Samsung S10 Lite ?


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20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
My Vodafone contract ends in August - much to my rapturous delight - and I will be going back to Three.

So new phone time and can't decide...

Do I stay with Android at get the Samsung S10 Lite

or move across to iPhone 7 (I am a Mac man after all)

These are the only two phones in the frame as far as I'm concerned. Anything more exotic carries a higher monthly charge.

Been here before, I know, but wondered if people's views had changed ?

Not interested in just going SIM only.

I am an Android person and have a S10. I think it's great.

However, all the Mac people I know have never looked back after getting an iPhone because the 'ecosystem' works really well...

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That's a bit like starting up a sharpening thread. :wink:

I've changed both mine and my wife's phone every couple of years until this year when we've gone sim only as our current iphone 7s are perfectly adequate for what we need and I've kept one of the previous i6 phones just in case of breakdown.
In the last 10 years we've each had four iphones and one Samsung, I'd need to look to see which model that was but at the time was acclaimed as the way forward with large screen and all the bells and whistles, neither of us liked it at all, slow, unreliable and couldn't wait to get rid. My wife's was replaced once during the contract and mine twice. That of course doesn't mean the current models aren't reliable.

My wife likes the compatibility between her phone, ipad and watch while I don't care much as I use a PC mostly and ipad occasionally, my daughter is of the same opinion as my wife with similar system while my son is a firm android enthusiast.

Just as an aside you say not sim only but you can get some very cheap sim deals with u/l texts and calls plus large data allowance, my daughter went down that route and bought her i7 as it worked out cheaper, one other thing to check it although it might be because mine have always been on business contracts but the Samsungs were covered for the whole contract period but iphones only for the manufacturer 12 month guarantee period.
I've had iphones since the 5 and I'd not swap back to Android for a number of reasons. Firstly I have most of my app purchases on ios so that sort of locks me in, secondly the security is far tighter on an iPhone because you can't install rogue apps (unless you try really hard to circumvent the system), and the handsets are reliable.

The 7 should last a few more years before the software updates leave it behind, but in terms of functionality it's still capable of doing virtually everything that the newer ones can, just maybe at a lower resolution for the camera and being slower to run things - but it's a phone so does that actually matter that much?

I'm still using an iPhone X, so it's about 2 years old and even the model due out this year won't be enough to make me upgrade. It needs a new battery, but that's still a lot cheaper than a new handset.

Can't really go too wrong with a 7.
You said you're a MAC user so is it even a question?!?!? lol

I'm an apple fan boy to be fair and would never swap - I briefly toyed with Android when the Sony Satio was the best camera on a phone but regretted the decision. My daughter tried the dark side when all her friends were going Samsung and there was an offer with a free tablet, it lasted 6mths before begging to go back to an iPhone :lol:

The ability to interact seamlessly with your main computing device (assuming that is what you mac is) should make it a no brainer the hand off capabilities are great, if you are using the Apple office apps (much improved in recent years) then the free use of those on either platform is great as well.

Someone also mentioned security and whilst others hate the proprietary nature of Apple - I believe it also to be one of it's best strengths.

All of these are just personal opinions of course but you asked :wink:
It all comes down to whether you are prepared to pay over the odds for what you get while propping up one of the most insidious capitalistic corporations in human history who have fooled a huge swath of their customer base that they are the good guys or do you want to pay a reasonable price for a bit of kit that does the job and will last longer than the other guys offering and if it does break you do have the legal right to repair it if you want at any location or facility you want
Droogs":txyqenjz said:
It all comes down to whether you are prepared to pay over the odds for what you get while propping up one of the most insidious capitalistic corporations in human history who have fooled a huge swath of their customer base that they are the good guys or do you want to pay a reasonable price for a bit of kit that does the job and will last longer than the other guys offering and if it does break you do have the legal right to repair it if you want at any location or facility you want
LOl...I take it you're not a fan then ? :lol:
lets just say any company that makes YOU wait for 3 days outside the door to pay over a grand for something it costs them £80 to make including delivery to any location is not nice. I have worked for them on the repair side both directly and indirectly and they are to put it politely, something that rhymes with flat bottomed boats in Cambridge
Droogs":39hxao5a said:
lets just say any company that makes YOU wait for 3 days outside the door to pay over a grand for something it costs them £80 to make including delivery to any location is not nice. ....

That's a bit one-sided, I think. No-one is actually forcing anyone to do that. If someone falls for the marketing hype then that's down to them surely.

But I have done some more digging and locking the phone down to the extent of a chip in the Lightning lead, chips inside batteries that tie into a specific phone etc. then that is most definitely against the pale IMO and so I'm with you on that. I still prefer my iMac to having used a PC anyday but as far as my next mobile goes ?

Decision made...Samsung S10 Lite.

Thanks for all the replies.
beech1948":7nysbh1c said:
For Samsung look at the A71. Cheaper, excellent camera, fast chip. If you stay with Apple look at iPhone XR. Both better choices than S10 lite

Thanks for the recommendation, Beech. Stunning phone. Fabulous display. And I still have a headphone socket !
Ah...just discovered one real downside to this phone. On my old Samsung, when I wanted to use it I simply swiped the screen. On the A71 you have to struggle to find the very small, hard to press power button at the side. Not great with arthritic fingers. Sadly it has to go back.:(
Roger, take a look at the Motorola Moto G8. It has lift to wake, or it will wake with a fingerprint or face recognition. I've had three Motos a G3, G5 and G7 and I couldn't be happier with them. Battery life on the G7 is very good - 2 days with modest use. Slim, good cameras, excellent screen. They are consistently near the top of best budget phone polls and it won't break the bank either.
The 2020 iPhone SE is the best iPhone performance bang for buck. It is a smaller screen size but still an OLED. I wouldn’t get a 7 or 8 over the SE.

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