shedhead":2fm9vaah said:
Can anyone explain an IP address.
Yep. Sure can.
shedhead":2fm9vaah said:
Does this address stay with you and not change ?
You can get static IP addresses which don't change. If you're a business customer you tend to want static IP addresses so you can host websites and run private networks. Most mom&dad home users have dynamic IP addresses which are handed out as and when needed and reclaimed after they haven't been used for a couple of days.
shedhead":2fm9vaah said:
Does this address change each day ?
Totally depends on your service provider. Most of the ones in the UK seem to let you keep the same address as long as you keep the computer connected and switched on. If you leave the computer off for a couple of days then the IP address you were using might be given to someone else.
shedhead":2fm9vaah said:
Is this address different with each PC you have running on the same broadband line.
There's only a fixed number of IP addresses that exist.. It's around 6 billion, but for all sorts of complicated reasons only a fraction of that number are actually useable. To work around the limited number that are useable, we use public (out on the internet) and private (on your own network cables) IP addresses. A company with a couple of hundred employees doesn't need each and every PC to be visible on the Internet. They'll use a Private IP address for the computers in their offices and then use a router/firewall to allow the PCs to talk to other systems on the Internet using a Public (Internet) address.
shedhead":2fm9vaah said:
Why do we need an IP address?
Back in the old days, many PC networks ran the NetBIOS/IPX network protocol which allowed thousands of computers to talk to each other on company networks.. but that was before the days of the Internet. The Internet needed to allow millions of computers all over the world to talk to each other and that required a new protocol - IP - The Internet Protocol.
IP is actually a pretty nifty system for working out how to route information from one place to another - Hence the reason everyone now has a thing called a router. Your home router is a fairly simple machine which only knows one route (your ISP), but bigger routers talk to each other in order to work out the best way to get information from one place to another. IP addresses are handed out in large blocks (millions) by geographical region, and then in smaler sub-blocks (thousands) to orgnaisations within a country. The IP network 84.x.x.x contains 16M different addresses - This whole network is allocated to europe. A subnetwork of it, 84.92.x.x is assigned to my internet service provider, and an ever smaller subnet of a few tens of addresses is for me. When a router in the US wants to send to me, it doesn't need to know the intimate details of my ISP.. It just knows that 84.x.x.x is in europe and sends it on it's way.
I've oversimplified things somewhat there to try and get the point across - If you want to know everything I do, then read this extremely good paper by 3com... ... 501302.pdf