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Saint Simon

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19 Feb 2009
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North London
For quite a few years the only magazine I have regularly bought is Fine Woodworking as I felt it devoted a reasonable amount of space to those of us interested in maximising our use of hand tools. Often there used to be a project almost entirely constructed by hand. But now, not long after I took out a subscription, I feel it is moving rapidly over to the machine end of the market. Is this just me or do others feel the same? What do others read for inspiration and maybe instruction in the luddite end of our activity?
Saint Simon, I used to buy / read "Fine woodworking" but found the same problem - no good for me, as I work out of my garage, with very basic tools...

I saw a couple of issues of "British Woodworking", bought both, and read them in a week each... less adverts, and they're English (as far as I recall), a few m/c's used, but plenty of info on what's happening i.e. shows and stuff. Even my SWMBO said - "They're good value for money if you've read all of them."

Apart from that - I tend to read the interestingly titled threads on here first, then go back and pick out the ones I've missed! :lol: