My father gave me a workbench, that was built by my great-grandfather and it is at least 40 years old, probably more. My grandfather worked on it as well and it was gathering dust for more than 15 years.
I would like to restore it and I would like to ask for an advice if it is feasible to take it apart? The base has tusk tenons, so that would be easy, but the top is either dovetailed, or drawbored or there is a sliding dovetail. I am not sure, but I think that hide glue was used. What is the procedure for heating the glue so that I can take it apart? Top is attached freely to the base, so I can lift it up.
Also there is some motor oil spilled on the top. Is there any way to clean it up from wood?
It is made from oak, some parts are beech and there is also some softwood, maybe pine.
I can just clean it and sand it, but it would not be as nice as if I planed everything square and reaseemble it.
Thank you.
My father gave me a workbench, that was built by my great-grandfather and it is at least 40 years old, probably more. My grandfather worked on it as well and it was gathering dust for more than 15 years.
I would like to restore it and I would like to ask for an advice if it is feasible to take it apart? The base has tusk tenons, so that would be easy, but the top is either dovetailed, or drawbored or there is a sliding dovetail. I am not sure, but I think that hide glue was used. What is the procedure for heating the glue so that I can take it apart? Top is attached freely to the base, so I can lift it up.
Also there is some motor oil spilled on the top. Is there any way to clean it up from wood?
It is made from oak, some parts are beech and there is also some softwood, maybe pine.
I can just clean it and sand it, but it would not be as nice as if I planed everything square and reaseemble it.
Thank you.