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Originally I had used flat-bottomed screws, but yeah - the only longer ones I had were counter-sunk. I'm not sure I could credit them with the break, though - it happened a fair way away from the screw-holes, right at the part where the collar meets the plane of the plate.

It's worth mentioning that since I got the lathe second-hand, I don't know the history of any of it - for all I know the faceplate was dropped on concrete or whacked with a hammer years ago and came pre-fractured, but it was certainly a bit of a shock!


(I should also note that I did start off with several between-centres practice pieces, and I did get used to the way the tools cut and everything before trying with the faceplate. Sure, I can only claim a couple of weeks' experience, but I didn't jump straight into hollowing something out either. I'm just not having any problem with the spindle turning!)
