I'm an old git but ready to learn


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Established Member
20 Feb 2022
Reaction score
Bourne Lincolnshire
Good morning all,
You ain't going to believe this, I bought a new Record BS300 bandsaw to try my hand at a bit of woodwork in my old age (I'm 85)
I made a platform with 4 good quality castors to be able to move the saw about then stupidity took over because, I tried lifting the
saw onto the platform myself:oops: Result was, I felt the most agonising pain half way up my back, the old Dutch got me down the Doc's, he sent me for a X-ray. The results were, I'd actually broken my back one of vertebra had snapped and just to top it off he told me I'd got Osteoporosis in my spineo_O

Anyhow though I'm still in a bit a pain I'm ready to get back and dying to use the saw. I've done a bit a woodwork in my life but mostly on the building doing roofs, second fixing etc. I'd like to have a go at maybe a simple bandsaw box to start with but then I'm going to need some timber. We live not far from Stamford where there's a supplier who I think is recommended by the forum but what type of timber would be best to start with and what size to make my first box?

I would really appreciate any help and guidance from the knowledgeable(y)
Hello, make sure what you make is not going to be too heavy to lift. The size of your box might depend on what you going to put in it, cigars, whisky and a pack of playing cards perhaps. I would choose something with a nice grain, light finish and lovely to work with, something like larch.
Sorry to heart about your misfortune, hope you recover quickly. The forum has a list of wood yards here, you should be able to find one that can get what you want. You want figurative hardwood to make interesting looking boxes. Look up threads by Alexm on the forum who was a prolific BS box maker.

Bloomin' marvellous story, can only hope I have the same have a go mindset at 85! Obviously not the broken back or osteoporosis, get well soon on that front.

A couple of bandsaw boxes was one of my first things when I got one. I'd say any old hard wood will do, as softwoods often break out on the cut making it hard to get a neat box. I found a mid size block, about 8"x5"x4" the easiest to manage, I glued up some board to get the thickness i needed. Starting with something square and true was helpful.
Good morning all,
You ain't going to believe this, I bought a new Record BS300 bandsaw to try my hand at a bit of woodwork in my old age (I'm 85)
I made a platform with 4 good quality castors to be able to move the saw about then stupidity took over because, I tried lifting the
saw onto the platform myself:oops: Result was, I felt the most agonising pain half way up my back, the old Dutch got me down the Doc's, he sent me for a X-ray. The results were, I'd actually broken my back one of vertebra had snapped and just to top it off he told me I'd got Osteoporosis in my spineo_O

Anyhow though I'm still in a bit a pain I'm ready to get back and dying to use the saw. I've done a bit a woodwork in my life but mostly on the building doing roofs, second fixing etc. I'd like to have a go at maybe a simple bandsaw box to start with but then I'm going to need some timber. We live not far from Stamford where there's a supplier who I think is recommended by the forum but what type of timber would be best to start with and what size to make my first box?

I would really appreciate any help and guidance from the knowledgeable(y)
You are brave to even attempt that move @ 85 on your own so for that I applaud you. I have the same saw and with my dodgy back I had to get a friend to help me move the main box onto my flat. I pondered for an hour or so on how to attach the base ( with the lifting kit ) managed to position it against a wall and bolt it together and just about bring it to a vertical position . Hope your recovery goes smoothly and please take care -
I'd recommend ash if you can get some, it's largely knot free and should be reasonably cheap.
Welcome to the forum.
I'm just an old git! Never too old to learn:)

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