Hi Keggie,
I've recently joined an evening workshop / course for adults,at a local school. There are three adults in the class with "difficulties" to be p.c.
One is in a wheelchair, she and her helper are making a table.
One is making a marrionette (sp?)
One draws ideas / doodles. (Not seen him make anything, but he is quite happy talking to others, and sketching what they do etc).
So, 3 different problems to overcome:-
1, Can do, help with the initial idea, capable of working on his own.
1, Can do, with help holding stuff, problem with assembled item being difficult to access in a vice / on top of workbench.
1, Wants to, just not sure about what!
The marroinette is a brilliant design, separate head, body, arms, upper legs, lower legs. shaped roughly, sanded, drilled for string to pass through. I made some copper wire spring to go through the joints, so the legs, shoulders, and neck revert back to 'straight', when pressure relieved.
NO great skill required for a physically / mentally able person, but a joy to see his face when he's achieved what he wanted! Who knows, maybe some of your students woudl be able to carve details (fingers, facial features etc) as well?
Good work, keep it up, you're one of the people who make me glad.