Cheap yes, but many weaknesses.
Adjustable wrenches are at a disadvantage from the outset because of play and slop in their mechanisms. But there are many times that they are either super convenient or the only practical tool to do a job.
I have two favorites I would recommend to you over any others :
A short handled Bahco with extra wide jaws. Marketed towards plumbers who need to work on quite large fittings but not over tightening them. It is insanely useful whether you choose a 6 or 8" handle
View attachment 129583
The other standout tool is this : attachment 129581
Very expensive slip joint pliers, made in several sizes and different grips, but the squeeze that you apply to the handles is amplified 10+ times by leverage and ensures that the (always parallel) flat jaws remain firmly locked to the nut, don't stretch, slip and round over the corners.