It’s easy in hindsight to criticise the government’s handling of this problem but how would you have have done it ? , opinions are like bum holes we all have one .
When we first heard about this strain of Corona virus and saw on the news people dying in the streets in China It gave good reason for concern but this hasn’t happened anywhere else in the world since so it made me very sceptical about the severity of the problem initially.
The government could have put the troops on the streets and closed the country to overseas travelers for a month and in theory it would have stopped the virus spreading but that would mean quarantining every one entering the Uk until the virus was eradicated worldwide ,that’s something that would never have been accepted or achievable.
Mr Johnson could have gone with herd immunity which would have probably overwhelmed the NHS and initially cost more lives hitting mainly the old and vulnerable even harder and in theory we would have been over it and possibly saved the economy, but we would still need to quarantine and control who entered the country .
Our situation can’t be compared to countrys like NZ a country bigger than the Uk with a population less than that of London or Australia 32 times bigger than the UK with a population of around 24 million, so taking into consideration that many people have shown utter contempt for the virus and the governments efforts to control it, I personally think the government have done about the best they could given the attitude of many and the unprecedented circumstances the found themselves in.
Also the recording of people dying with it rather than from it is wrong, it gives people the impression that Covid19 alone killed over 100k people which even the experts admit is wrong , Covid alone may have been the cause in a much smaller percentage of the deaths,It’s almost like they are trying to justify the actions they are taking.
Both my wife and daughter are frontline NHS workers at different hospitals ,my wife is a advanced practitioner in cancer treatment and my daughter is a clinical educator and Sister on ICU so they are dealing with this very real virus on a daily basis .
So in my pointless opinion the Government and it’s advisors are doing ok