How to adjust top hung window top gap?

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Established Member
11 Aug 2016
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Hi All,

Is there an adjustment for top hung windows to bring the top of the window in?

I have two top hung small windows in my front room window.

The fit at the bottom is.. OK but at the top there's a noticeable gap.

I noticed when I was replacing the window seals.

I can see screws that appear to let me move the window up and down but not in & out.

Do I need new hinges? The ones there look OK.

All I can think is that they have always been this way.




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If you open them and look at the hinges you will probably see a triangular piece sticking out. This piece connects with a v shape on the fixed part as the window is closed and should force the top part of the window to pull in. If you close the window slowly you'll hopefully see what i mean.

If you push the tops of the windows in manually do they close up tight?

What seems to happen is that these triangles wear and no longer pull the top of window in. I don't know if there is a recommended fix other than replacing the hinge.

This is my window and hopefully you can see there is wear on the triangle on the left of the tip. This is where it contacts the V shape as it closes.

My plan was to try splatting it a bit wider with a hammer and dolly or potentially use a dremel slitting disc and then open it up a bit and then a quick tac with the welder as i have stainless setup. Hopefully someone will have an easier solution though. I don't want to redo all the hinges as I've got a few windows that need doing.


You might also find if you give everything a really good clean and polish all the surfaces they might slip in a bit more as less friction.
Ah... thanks very much.

That makes a lot of sense. The windows are 30 years old so I guess wear is a definite possibility.

I have two windows bottom and top at the front, the rears are a different design.

So I need 8 hinges total.

A brief google shows replacement hinges, two pack, from Screwfix for £12.49

So.. 4 x £12.49... £50.

I think I'll do that.

Ah... thanks very much.

That makes a lot of sense. The windows are 30 years old so I guess wear is a definite possibility.

I have two windows bottom and top at the front, the rears are a different design.

So I need 8 hinges total.

A brief google shows replacement hinges, two pack, from Screwfix for £12.49

So.. 4 x £12.49... £50.

I think I'll do that.

just make sure you measure really well and compare to the specs of new ones. There are a few different depths as well as lengths.
I got replacement hinges for some of my windows from an eBay seller at a lot less than the big sellers wanted.

Ps I have also noticed that the triangular seat is loose on some of my windows such that it doesn't grab and direct the pointed bit correctly so the frame doesn't get pulled in enough and leaves the gap you mention.