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Myself i'd head to a "Decent"bike shop for some info/items as pretty sure they do step up/reducer rings for them?.

I know we had various items when was in the trade and others i knew that did more elaborate bikes/Frame building etc had even more.

But if your going down the make it yourself route? i'd head to somewhere that has a lathe be it model maker or machine shop and get a bit turned up either out of a higher grade of alloy like aircraft or Stainless steel or even a piece of frame tubing but only thing with steel is rusting!.

Myself i wouldn't  bend a bit of alloy strip round it reason being is that area is under a lot of stress/force with impact back n forth of forks so really needs to be a ring so pressure is evenly spread out. esp with the rule of every action has an opposite!. Seen enough issues with forks and frames snapping!.

Post some pictures up of offending items so all can get a better idea.
