How do I make this half-curved piece of wood

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Just to add, we used to glue two solids together with brown paper and pva. Once a round section was accomplished the paper was soaked with warm water until it went soggy - brown paper wicks water quickly as it doesn’t contain chalk, etc- and the halves were easy to separate
I’m confused as to what this achieves?
I thought you were thinking of working from solid and then cut it in half? It is better to use a temporary glue-up that is easily undone than wrestle a slippery cylinder through a saw. Also, by gluing and separating you don’t have to allow for the saw kerf and clean up taking what? 8mm out of the circle. It can be an interesting experience clamping down a semi-circle while you clean up the cut surface …
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To be honest, I would do it by hand and as two pieces, but if you were going to octagon down a square, then a temporary glue up is the best approach