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New member
21 Feb 2025
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Hello to everyone, my name is Steve. I’m sorry to say I’m not the engineer of my family, that was my late father. He passed away last year and I have inherited his machinery. He was a former mechanical engineer and college lecturer for about 45 years. Growing up I got to watch him build a 5 inch gauge Royal Scott, from scratch, that includes the boiler, and that was one of three trains. I’m here for some advice on selling what equipment I can.
Hi and welcome , sorry to hear of your loss , just to briefly answer your question- there are some fairly strict rules on selling tools and equipment on this site . Have a read through the forum rules and you will find what you need . It’s worth hanging around as here your late father’s tools will go to good homes and
not just someone who wants to pay peanuts but then resell them for max profit.. good luck 🤞
To answer this sadly all too common question succinctly :
Ebay is your best answer as it reaches the most people but the more effort you put into properly describing items and taking decent pictures, the better prices you'll get.
There are a couple of model engineering oriented sites who allow paid small ads - one is lathes.co.uk
Facebook may be worth a go but it is riddled with fraudsters posing as potential buyers. You will definitely encounter some and need to be aware and protect yourself.

You will never realise anywhere near full value trying to sell a job lot. The only people who will buy on that basis are buying to resell and want to make a decent profit as well as cover their (very real) costs of travel and time. Clearing a workshop takes a lot of time and effort and if there is any heavy machinery it's complicated.

We have every sympathy for your situation but it is not unusual and UKW isn't a free alternative to ebay or a pricing service. Our buy and sell forum is a benefit provided for established members and the rules posted there are to be followed.

If you don't have knowledge of tools etc and time to research them, you need to seek out local help. Friends or family who you can trust to give informed and honest advice.

Members of the forum will probably offer further good advice but I hope this short summary helps.
Best wishes.
Hi welcome, sorry for your loss. I know the feeling, I cleared my dad’s tools and all the “things” he collected.
I gave a lot of dads stuff to my local men’s shed… now I am at the stage where I wish I had held on to some things
Don’t rush to clear out, but when you do sale tool you will know that they will be. Used not just fill a hole in some tip