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Darren D Breeze

Established Member
28 Nov 2010
Reaction score
Suffolk, UK
Hi all, just joined the site, occasionally post on the AWGB site too. Im a builder by trade living on norfolk/suffolk border, been turning for just under 3 years, started off with a nova 3000, and now upgraded to a 1946 Wadkin RS8, which ive converted to variable speed. I thought i'd share a few pics of some pieces.
http://s1080.photobucket.com/home/ddbre ... show#/grid

Hope that works??

Regards Darren
Welcome to the Forum Darren,


Slideshow of other work
Ah thanks guys, couldnt upload pictures direct so put a link in, wasnt sure if that was right thing to do or not, looks like Chas has done something, so thanks for that.
regards Darren

Mod Edit: Daren, if you have a look at my post (use the quote button) you will see the image link I used from your image link options in PB. CHJ
Hello Darren and welcome :D
Just been looking at your work and there are some lovely pieces on their :D
So will look forward to seeing more.
Like the pose.Reminds me of my fishing days :lol:
Welcome, I take it you aren't a newbie at this turning stuff then? :lol: What lathe have you got to turn that size and width piece?

Welcome Darren. Love your work. Some great stuff there. Looks like you experiment with lots of different styles and techniques. The wall hangings are great. Good to see your charging sensible prices too. Well done. Look forward to seeing more.
thanks guys for your comments, i've had a look Chas but its way beyond my 'puter know how, but have a friend who'll understand what you've done, and hopefully show me what to do in the future.
Thanks Paul, yeah does look like the 'here's my big fish' pose, thankfully this one didn't get away, if it had i doubt id be here to tell the tale!!
Thanks Pete, i've been turning for just under 3 years now, and upgraded to a 1946 Wadkin rs lathe, so a big solid lump.
Wizer, thank you too for your comments, yes i do like to try different things, obviously doesn't always work, but thats the learning curve, I like to constantly push my own capabilities, sometimes to disastrous results, but if you never make a mistake, your not trying anything new. I only recently started selling my pieces, I didn't want to start selling cheap poor quality work, so perserverd till the feedback from fellow club members etc was that my work was good enough to sell, and believe that our work should not be undersold.
regards Darren
Darren, there is a help topic in the sticky at the top of this forum, most not relevant as you obviously no how to load images into PB but it goes on to explain how to obtain or modify an image link once you are there which may be of help.
Darren D Breeze":24sfwa9d said:
I didn't want to start selling cheap poor quality work, so perserverd till the feedback from fellow club members etc was that my work was good enough to sell, and believe that our work should not be undersold.

Couldn't agree more. Setting your prices low is such a false economy and serves to ruin the market for those who do this as a sole occupation.

Keep it up.
Good grief Darren!

I can't believe you've been turning for less than 3 years :cry:

You are obvious a natural talent. Great stuff.

You don't fancy turning your hand to sorting out the economy do you :D

All the best

Welcome Along Darren.

Some nice work there. Not jealous of the lathe at all!!!!! (I'd love to see some pictures of that!!)

