Hello from new user + Birmingham query


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5 May 2009
Reaction score
Israel, US
Dear UK turners,
Nice to join this great group. I just got the link from SMC over in the US counterpart. It'll be nice to follow but I already have a question. I'll be in the vicinity of Birmingham (Lutterworth, near Coventry) next week for a few days. Any recommended visits? (shops, shows, people).
I have these names from a short web search but no clue as to them being worth a visit. Can anyone confirm or suggest replacements?
* HBS Woodturning Components
* Birmingham Woodcrafts
* GRC Manufacturing
Hello and welcome Norm :D
This is the only place i know about in Brum (Birmingham).Visited a couple of years ago now and had a good old chat with Kevin,the owner.
I haven't heared of the other places you quote,so can't comment.
Hello Norm - Norm's a lucky name 'round here :wink: :wink: Welcome - I'm quite new myself and these are a really friendly bunch of people who'll help you all they can, and then some more :)
Welcome to the forum Norm,
I think you are the first member from Israel. What do you do in the world of woodwork?

John. B
thanks for the welcome! I started about a year ago, on my own, and attend some club meetings. Unfortunately Im still using my 3/4 HP rod bed lathe in a shed, but plan to upgrade to VS, 1.5HP after the new shed is built. Turning about twice a month (waiting for pension time!) Ive done a handful of bowls, some small boxes and misc stuff, like a yoyo. No pens, nor hollow forms yet. Mostly working from local wood (carob, some type of rosewood and soon Norfolk pine) and carpentry cut-offs (maple, beech an walnut). Have made a few tools on my own (oland, round scraper, and thin parting tool, also a wolverine grinding jig) but am slowly accumilating some of the required tools of the craft.
Nice to be aboard,
HA. Norm, forgot to tell you.
Must have photo's. No Pics. It didn't happen. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

John. B
Hi Norm, welcome to the fold!
I'm sorry I don't know about 'Birmingham places of wood interest' but I am sure someone will!! :-k

Are you from Israel West Virginia? I have just been talkig to some one in Bethlehem PA that isn't a very long way from you is it? .... in USA terms that is.
Check out the Pinto collection of fine turned items, machinary and tools etc going back centuries in the Birmingham museum and art gallery in the city centre. Probably the stand alone turning collection in Europe if not the world.
Welcome to the forum.
Soulfly":1xcjrja9 said:
Check out the Pinto collection of fine turned items, machinary and tools etc going back centuries in the Birmingham museum and art gallery in the city centre. Probably the stand alone turning collection in Europe if not the world.
Welcome to the forum.

Is this a permanent display? Sounds like something worth going and having a look at when I next get back up that way.
