Hello from Buckinghamshire


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New member
21 Aug 2023
Reaction score
Buckinghamshire, UK
Hello everybody,

I'm Clive; I'm 44 and live in Buckinghamshire. I'm just getting into woodworking and so far have...
  • bought quite a few books
  • assembled a few tools from friends, family, eBay and Amazon
  • watched quite a lot of YouTube videos
  • started transforming my small 5x8 shed into a workshop
Beyond that...no actual woodworking done as yet! :). But I'll be starting with this project from Paul Sellers videos on YouTube to build a couple of saw horses. Then his workbench.
I suspect my progress will be pretty slow as I have a fairly demanding day job and three young daughters, but slow suits me.

Look forward to meeting other enthusiasts here. Bests, Clive
Hi Clive.

Im in Buckinghamshire. Took a bit of a beating from the weather this weekend!

Good luck with all future projects
Well, he might think it's a suddenly welcoming place and come back!

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