Established Member
This is my first post on the turning forum as until today I never had a lathe but that has now changed...
It all started with a chat with my brother who said his workshop was too full to fit in any more motorbikes and me saying that I would be happy to remove any old junk he had in there.
So I now, I have this:
A pre-war (I think) Union Jubilee lathe. It is 43" between centres, 5" over the bed and 12 over the left bed. It weighs about 200kg.
It also came with a fair selection of tools:
Including a chuck:
There are two chuck bodies, one left threaded and one right. I have a feeling there is a part missing because no matter how I try to put it together, I can't get it to work as an expansion chuck although it works fine in compression.
I haven't turned anything since I was at school so will probably pester you guys for loads of help but I'm keen to learn.
It needs a bit of work to start with as it hasn't been used for a few years. It runs and sounds as sweet as a nut and the headstock bearings have been replaced. Everything moves and locks down as it should though and it includes a saddle which runs on a rack and pinion mechanism which I forgot to take any pictures of.
I'm tempted to do a full renovation on it but will probably have a play with it as it is first.
So my first question is - where to start - anyone recommend a good book, or a good woodturning course (I'm in East Yorkshire) or any good web sites to get me started.
I took him and his wife out for a nice meal to say thanks but still feel I got a bit or a bargain!
It all started with a chat with my brother who said his workshop was too full to fit in any more motorbikes and me saying that I would be happy to remove any old junk he had in there.
So I now, I have this:

A pre-war (I think) Union Jubilee lathe. It is 43" between centres, 5" over the bed and 12 over the left bed. It weighs about 200kg.
It also came with a fair selection of tools:

Including a chuck:

There are two chuck bodies, one left threaded and one right. I have a feeling there is a part missing because no matter how I try to put it together, I can't get it to work as an expansion chuck although it works fine in compression.
I haven't turned anything since I was at school so will probably pester you guys for loads of help but I'm keen to learn.
It needs a bit of work to start with as it hasn't been used for a few years. It runs and sounds as sweet as a nut and the headstock bearings have been replaced. Everything moves and locks down as it should though and it includes a saddle which runs on a rack and pinion mechanism which I forgot to take any pictures of.
I'm tempted to do a full renovation on it but will probably have a play with it as it is first.
So my first question is - where to start - anyone recommend a good book, or a good woodturning course (I'm in East Yorkshire) or any good web sites to get me started.
I took him and his wife out for a nice meal to say thanks but still feel I got a bit or a bargain!