He thinks this is a caravan…


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In this locality there are loads of sheds in gardens where you might assume they should not be, because of this rule.
Surely, more a "mobile home" than a caravan. Doesn't a caravan have to have wheels? :giggle:
In law there seems to be little difference between caravan and mobile home.

The common characteristic and definition seems to be a structure which is designed or adapted for human habitation and is capable of being moved from one place to another.

Sheds fail, usually missing cookers, beds, taps etc, although they can normally be moved - if they don't fall apart in the process!

I suspect much of this becomes important due to tax and VAT legislation - VAT on caravans is 20%, on mobile homes 5%, possible capital gains tax normally payable on property that is not your main residence, liability for council tax etc.

Fertile ground for tax lawyers!
My favorite line:

"Homeowner, Steve Holden said: "[The builder] assured me that he could build a moveable structure that didn’t require planning permission."

Perhaps because he wanted to sell it to you!
Good luck to him. Planning permission is all about blocking things. They should only be allowed to reject based on safety grounds.
I have some sympathy with the planners as they are balancing the right of one property owner to do as they wish with ensuring in doing so it doesn’t ruin the ability of others to enjoy their property. There are different opinions and can be unreasonable parties on both sides of the consideration.

I guess if a neighbour decided to build a safe monstrosity that put your house in permanent shade you’d want the planners to have the powers to stop it?
Because councils are staffed by little Hitlers.
There are little Hitlers in all walks of life - not sure what makes you think it’s a particular characteristic of council employees. Most councils employees in my experience are reasonable people trying their best to deliver the best service they can.
There are little Hitlers in all walks of life - not sure what makes you think it’s a particular characteristic of council employees. Most councils employees in my experience are reasonable people trying their best to deliver the best service they can.

I was meaning the higher echelons of the council, not the day to day staff.
Although there are plenty of exceptions, and while im quite sure many are fine and down to earth folk, it is a known fact that councils are overly officious
Different ends of the spectrum…. In the OP the argument is putting a ‘movable’ shed in the same place it’s fine to park a caravan vs building a massive habitable extension.
Totally agree, and the guy in that video has taken the proverbial for years. The post was more for the point that councils will pursue a breach of regs to it's conclusion even if it takes a decade or so
So do people generally side with the council on this, or the bloke?
I must admit, it seems like a shed to me, and it's clearly not a conventional caravan. I would have said the spirit of the 'law' is don't put structures where they shouldn't be and I think that is what people should generally adhere to? Otherwise... what's the point? Thoughts?
It'd be an interesting one to put before a court certainly. On one hand he has proven it can fulfil the requirements of a caravan under the legal definition, but is that enough? I think the 'reasonable man in the street' would look at it and say it's a shed. Personally I'm with the council on that one, sounds like he was told no but tried to chance it and got caught out
If the same in all walks of life councils are no exception, once you get above a middle management role there is someone just behind you that wants your job and it becomes a political fight to ensure you show your prowess at carrying out the role, at that point the managers loose the objective point of why they are there, instead of serving the people they represent they have to oppose those same people whilst fighting off the hoards behind them.

Often used quote by me. "You are there to reflect the opinions of the members, not to inflict your opinion upon them"
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Rules, regulations, council decisions, I'm sorry, this thing is a shed.
Wouldn't it need to be licensed, have wheels and lighting (be road worthy) to be considered a caravan?