I think the days of mega-discounts at shows are long gone. There just isn't the profit margins there once were.
When I moved to Nottingham in 1976 there were, Hopkinson's, Mibro, Black's and Poole's Tools. All proper tool shops. All now gone. There is B&Q and the other sheds. They closed because they didn't make money, or at least, did not provide a satisfactory return on investment. That is bad news in one respect and good news in another. I suspect that tools are a lot cheaper now than they were then, in real terms, even now, after the devaluation of the pound.
My first router was an Elu MOF96. It cost a hundred and something quid. Now you can get a clone for a fraction of that, and that after 30-odd years of inflation. OK, the clones are not the same build quality, I grant you, but you get my point.
If there isn't the margin, we can't expect the discounts, I fear.
Steve, who loves a bargin.