You've got some great advice there and if it scares you a bit that's all well and good because it should. You need to know the downsides and responsibilities inside out before you ever seriously contemplate setting up a business which will be one of the most important decisions you will ever make.
If you haven't drawn up a business plan, researched the market in full, planned and fully costed the products you need (not necessarily want) to make, how and where you're going to sell them, who the competition is maybe on-line rivals as well, what your overheads will be, and exactly how little you can afford to live on while getting established then don't even try! Have you approached your bank, searched to see if set up grants available, costed insurances, sorted premises or checked if you will be allowed to work at home, contacted potential suppliers? Do you actually know how the tax system works and what you are allowed to offset?
Do you have a better half and what does she REALLY think about your plans, will you get the support you'll definitely need when your social life goes down the pan for a while?
The advice to stay employed and start the business in your spare time is very sound and what I did, if you find you yearn to go to the pub in your spare time then it's not for you, your drinking mates soon give up when you're not around and some of the help you think you can count on might not last.
I've painted a black picture deliberately as it's all too common for employees to think their boss is making a mess of things when they don't see or understand the whole picture, if you ask most employees will, I guarantee say they can do a better job than their boss!
Being good at producing products doesn't give you success, being able to sell them, supply / fit if a service business, at the right margins and get paid on time is vastly more important. Cash flow closes many more businesses than any other reason!
All that said, there is nothing more rewarding than working for yourself if you can handle it. I spent many years managing companies for other people earning much more than when self employed but wouldn't have gone back. Without the full support of my family despite no holidays, less money and hardly seeing me in the early years I wouldn't have made it work.