Hi all,
I recently built my daughter a new Wendy house in the back garden using my trusty Evolution Mitre/Table saw combo and have to admit that I quite enjoyed it. Since then I've been toying with the idea of converting my 2.2x5m garage to a workshop to further the hobby.
I imagine to start with I'll be starting out making basic things (cutting boards, small boxes etc) but I have knocked together some plans in Autodesk Fusion for a new 4 seater dining table. I don't think I'll be going as far as making larger items like wardrobes etc!
I would welcome some feedback on the attached layout and tool choices. I haven't set a specific budget as I'd likely purchase the tools separately, but I've assumed ~£2500 for now.
My notes:-
- The Orange/Brown borders are a custom cabinet on castors that I'd build for them to make it easy to move them around as required.
- Planer / Thicknesser
I recognise the lack of chip extraction for the P/T, but the manufacturer's guidance states that it can be used "outside with a respirator", so I have placed it by the main up/over door. I appreciate that this is less than ideal, but I do not have the space for a dedicated chip extractor as well as the dust extraction for the other tools. I will operate it with that in mind, taking small passes to minimise the amount of debris.
I've included a second 'courtesy' door (though I may go with a window instead for better light) on the side of the garage to help ventilation.
Given the P/T is the only tool that requires the chip extraction, I've instead opted for a shop vac system with an Oneidea cyclone add-on for the other tools.
I did consider not having a P/T, but I have a good source of pallet wood that I could recycle - plus the cost saving from lumber yards of buying sawn rather than PAR was hard to ignore.
- The Bench
I'll be using an old office desk that I grabbed from work as surplus. I plan to add a 25mm thick MDF (or other suitable material) cover on top of the desk surface for protection and possibly addition of a vice, dog hole or T-tracks.
- Table saw
I would have preferred to get one of the stationary units, but size and mobility demand that I had to go with a benchtop style instead. The Axminster AC216TS seems like a suitable unit.
- Other tools
I would have liked to squeeze in a router table and maybe even a CNC in the future... but a TARDIS the garage is not! :lol: I'll have to make do with a handheld router with some sort of track/guide system for now I think.
The aforementioned Evolution Mitre/table saw is portable enough so it'll live on the shelf until needed. I did consider using it as the main table saw, but I don't think it would be up to the task.
I will probably look to get a belt and disk sander as well, but these are also small enough to live on the same shelves until needed.
Many thanks 