For Sale : Record No 8 Jointer Plane - Sold

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Aled Dafis

Established Member
29 Sep 2005
Reaction score
New Quay, West Wales
Having just bought myself a Clifton No 7 jointer, I'm somewhat regretfully selling my Record No 8.

The plane's history in brief is that I aquired the plane about 4 years ago from my (ex)neighbour, who was a retired cabinetmaking lecturer at Carmathen Teacher training college. He actually picked this plane from the college's rack when he retired, and the department was closed down. The number "23" painted on the heel suggest that he had a fair few to pick from, and he assured me that the sole of the plane was slightly convex, which is FAR more desirable than a concave sole - a fact that has been confirmed on this forum just tonight by none other than David Charlesworth himself.




The plane is a full 24" long with a a 2 5/8" iron - yes it's a beast.
I'd describe the condition as very good / excellent and the japanning is at least 90 - 95% complete.
I also have a spare iron that is included in the sale. Both Irons are stamped "Tungsten Vanadium Steel, Made in England"

How does £100 including postage sound? (I've not actually checked how much postage will be yet, but it's not going to be cheap)

PM me if you're interested.


Sorry, forgot to mention that the varnish on the tote has seen better days as can be seen in the second photo. I've been meaning to sand and oil the tote since I got the plane, but never got around to it.


Arrived home tonight to see a long package in the porch, the big boy had arrived. Thanks a lot Aled, I'll also enjoy the pack of raisins you enclosed :D :D
Well done that man.
I'm glad it arrived safely.

The raisins idea is something I picked up form a package that I recieved a while ago, it put a smile on my face, so I thought I'd carry on the trend.



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