Ah! Got you now. The answer to that is complicated. Polio was around in the early 60's when I was in primary school
So were measles, I got them. They are still rampant in 'The Third World', I have brutal experience of them in India during extended charity trips. Both are preventable by vaccine. So, do we need vaccines to prevent "unnecessary suffering", then we need pharmas to develop them. That costs, someone has to pay.
I do not agree with your phrase "fear-mongering", if I could take you back with me to the slums of Dehra Dunn and show you why, I would. None of the charity workers conducted into that scene woukd call it "fear-mongering", the reality is all too graphic and plainly disturbing. The idea that we could shun an available preventative measure here in UK is a non-starter.
That argument applies to 'flu and Covid too. I've had 'flu as a twenty-something, I certainly would not want it now in my mid-sixties.
So, who pays? We do. We also pay for research into possible drugs or vaccones on a vast scale. My elder son works in pharma as a develoment chemist. The 000's of man-hours put into even one drug's exploration is phenomenal, and that is just one, among thousands. Only a few make it past testing. So, the pharmas pass on their costs to us, as an attempt to recoup outlay. Yes,unscrupulous ones fudge figures to make a bean, but hey, we have all those drugs to help us along. Would you go so far as to deny yourself Paracetemol? Asprin?
Penecillen? Novocaine at the dentists? Chemotherapy drugs? Anesthetics for internal operations?