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Regarding olive oil: I have quite a lot. Every year when I get fresh oil, I put the last of the old oil (10-30 litres)in a big stainless tank, and use for everything from pig feed to lighting fires (only sometimes) to lubricating things. I only recently started using it as a finish. This oil is a mix of oils from years' past - anything up to 6 years old - and it isn't rancid, even though it is not kept in air-tight conditions. It still tastes great, actually.

My only caveats are that firstly I have only been putting oil on wood since April of this year - perhaps it needs longer to go off - and secondly that my oil is the good stuff - cold pressed, unfiltered extra-virgin etc, so on and so forth. If you buy some cheap, off the shelf supermarket oil, there is a good chance it is not even olive oil in the bottle. You may need to spend extra on some high quality oil, which rather defeats the purpose of the exercise. I use it because I have oil coming out of my ears, and need to get rid of it. It seems to work as a finish, and looks great. No hint of going rancid yet.
