Evening all
Pics from yesterdays progress,
Cleaned spindle components and repainted ,,,,/then went onto fitting cant shaft, worm drive/dropped in the trunnion and fitted the
housing RKP bracket and housing ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/ handwheel then pinned it in place,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/retaining flanges before testing out the crank.
resistance on the crank at full tilt / Rise and fall crank was then fitted, It's a hit or miss getting ,,,,,,,/Now we have both crank handles
so I switched the retaining flanges/the grub retaining pin located,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/fitted, and things are going well
So with everything now running super smooth, it was now time to fit the spindle and riving knife, then I hit the problem fitting the bolts in the riving knife pivot bracket, only to discover that the whole mechanism jammed up with the RK fitted, the only explanation for this theory for this was that the RK pivot bracket was seized. which happened to be the case,
So It was then onto rectifying that problem.