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Agreed, I think for the vast majority of motorists an EV is a practical proposition. Some though will still have doubts about the rare occasions when they do make longer journeys. The number of public chargers is going up though and charging times are coming down. It’s just the price gouging of some companies that spoils things. They need to be careful though because Tesla are talking about installing large underground batteries for some of their network which means they can store energy at night when the electricity is cheaper and then offer it to their customers at a more competitive rate. There is talk of 500 and 600 mile range batteries in the near future but I doubt many motorists will be prepared to pay the extra cost and they simply don’t need it most of the time.

There is a guy on YouTube I think who converts ICE cars to EV’s . He converted a Jenson I think and due to the gas guzzling engine it only had a range of about 200 miles when new. After conversion it ended up with about the same range and performance, just half the cost to run!
