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If you want some rather heavy bedtime reading, try this: ... /nph.15283.

It can be summarised ( very roughly! )  as:

1) A bit of warming probably increases CO2 uptake by many plants;

2) A lot of warming probably reduces CO2 absorption by many plants.  Some trees may be able to acclimatise to higher temperatures, but others may not;

3) But ( from this and lots of other studies ) the biggest effect seems to be from increased global temperatures increasing drought risks across large areas of the globe, with consequent reductions in plant growth.

So I can’t quote a temperature rise at which effects will suddenly happen.   Some areas are already experiencing more frequent droughts and lower growth, but it is always difficult to pin this directly on climate change.  The only thing I can safely say is that rising atmospheric CO2 will not automatically lead to faster plant growth, and may eventually lead to the opposite.

No sign of a drought in my garden right now.
