Dust collection from mitre saws


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IG paulm_outdoors
25 Sep 2005
Reaction score
North Hampshire
I recently upgraded my DW703 mitre saw to a DW712 sliding mitre saw which is great, really pleased !

Only problem is that the dust collection, which was not too bad from the 703 is non-existant on the 712, especially now that I've put a zero-clearance subfence on it to reduce breakout and for trenching cuts.

Still using the same dedicated vacuum off of the built in collection point, but the saw just totally covers all the adjacent tools and worksurfaces in a few seconds.

Is it worth me running some extra 4" hose from my main extractor to one of these http://www.axminster.co.uk/product-Axmi ... 384336.htm and sitting it behind or close to the saw, or does anyone have any other ideas ?

Thanks, Paul :D
This has worked for me, collects about 80-90% of the dust. Which is about as good as it gets with these things :roll:

Hi Paul,
I’m glad to see my old 712 is still to your liking. I know my workshop was in a deplorably untidy state when you came round so you may not have noticed I had just such a ‘hood’ which I attached to my Sheppach dust sucker. Whilst it did get some of the sawdust, it was by no means a perfect solution. I find that you don’t have to move far from the sucker orifice to hardly notice the airflow. I think the solution given by Kieth in his post may be more effective. I actually have both the hood and the bendy tube and you would be very welcome to borrow them to see if any of these solutions suites you.

Have you got any of those Blue Spruce chisels yet?

I have a piece of bendy MDF behind my saw, bent into a curve so that the ends touch the back of the saw fence. It also has a bit of framing to keep the shape. I have a 100mm vacuum tube hanging down into the gap behind the left of the saw, in front of the MDF. A lot of the dust gets sucked straight up the tube. The rest is just thrown onto the MDF, drops and goes no further. Every now and then I take hold of the vacuum tube and lift it a bit and have a "hoover" round the back of the saw with it.
I am really surprised at how clean this set-up seems to be.
Cheap too!

Hi Bernard !

No, hadn't noticed the setup when I was over there, too distracted by all the Festool and LN gear, not to mention the Legacy :mrgreen: :lol: but interesting to hear you have tried the same with only limited success.

Thinking about it I'm bieng a bit stupid really as I've already got one of the big hoods set up with the bandsaw, so if I get some more hose I could try it for myself, hadn't thought of that ! :sign3:

If it doesn't work I could order some of the bendy hose instead.

Like yourself I've noticed that the large hood isn't really effective over it's full opening, not with the bandsaw anyway where it's also dificult to position it close enough to be effective without getting in the way when using it.

Perhaps I should just go for the bendy hose on the basis it works for Keith and should do for either the bandsaw or the mitre saw hopefully.

I keep looking at those chisels and drooling but haven't taken the plunge.........yet !

Cheers, Paul. :D
Shadowfax":22cthz1g said:
I have a piece of bendy MDF behind my saw, bent into a curve so that the ends touch the back of the saw fence. It also has a bit of framing to keep the shape. I have a 100mm vacuum tube hanging down into the gap behind the left of the saw, in front of the MDF. A lot of the dust gets sucked straight up the tube. The rest is just thrown onto the MDF, drops and goes no further. Every now and then I take hold of the vacuum tube and lift it a bit and have a "hoover" round the back of the saw with it.
I am really surprised at how clean this set-up seems to be.
Cheap too!

Any chance of a picture so I can get the image in my head as I have the same problem only I end up hovering the block wall ...... I hate it when the sawdust shows up the cobwebs :lol: