Double fail for Amazon

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I read of someone in the late '60s visiting a tea plantation in iirc Kenya and commenting on the cleanliness as they swept the floor. The boss told him it wasn't done for cleanliness it was done to fill the tea bags.
I read of someone in the late '60s visiting a tea plantation in iirc Kenya and commenting on the cleanliness as they swept the floor. The boss told him it wasn't done for cleanliness it was done to fill the tea bags.
love it story is still true then!! just different continent!! 🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵🍵
When you see something like this on Amazon the price is so good it's almost too good to be true and 99% of the time it is a piece of dung. You have to do your homework and buy from preparatory manufacturers I normally buy direct from Kingston or I will buy from, crucial at least I know then I get a good deal and I get a proper equipment. I tried to avoid buying items from third-party sellers on Amazon because I know there will always be problems with refunds or delays in postage. Period
They were all named brands, not selected on price. All ‘fulfilled by Amazon’
Just bad luck I think.
I know Clarkson is a right arrogant SOB, but even I enjoy watching Clarkson's farm and I think he does a lot of good for the farming community, I'm a late, to this one so I'm on series 2 episode six or seven the one where the council rejected to planning application on pathetic grounds. I could not believe that they rejected that is absolutely ridiculous that we have got people as counsellors that are turning down 60 new jobs, a cooperative of at least six farms coming together to sell their products and to try and make a profit it shows how pathetic the UK has become.

Yes, it's clear that Clarkson is a new farmer but he is trying. He may bend the rules but everybody does but I really did think that that barrister from London needed shooting. Did he really think that they put up a 150 k barn just to turn into a restaurant a year later? I've really don't think that counsellors are actually acting in all good faith and the cost of 500k for an appeal to the secretary of State is absolutely ridiculous.

There should be limits involved to stop this sort of thing from happening as spiralling out of control costs. It should not cost half 500k to appeal a planning control 100 covers restaurant in the middle of nowhere, I'm so sorry the UK is out of control and needs sorting.. At some point between the turning down of the permission and series 3 I actually came to the UK to see my son and he took me there because he lives not far from there and we went and had a burger there and I thought it was brilliant, yes it was busy, yes people were parking on the verges but that's because the stupid bloody council won't grant permission to put a carpark in is absolutely ludicrous that when we try and create jobs in this bloody country we prevented by stupid old aged counsellors who have not a clue how the world is ticking over today. I don't know if anybody noticed but the only real person that stuck up for Clarkson was a lady in her 30s she fought a good fight I thought. the whole bloody system in the UK needs a route and branch sorting civil servants councils everybody needs to go through the system and strip it bare and show how much wasted there is and how much money is being lost by stupid decisions. Like teachers requires CPD lawyers insurance brokers et cetera I would like to see all civil servants and counsellors being forced to either reapply for their jobs or doing CPD and if they fail that CPD they are out of a job story goes for the police service and medical service every time I turn the TV on all I ever see are fat coppers and they stick out outside Downing Street oh my God, what sort of message does that send to the country?

I live in Spain and yeah we have rubbish out here especially in the south of Spain but a lot of that is now gone. I live in the north of Spain and the rules over here are very strict but if you comply with everything you will get planning permission because they don't actually consult the neighbours about whether what you want doing is good or bad you have no consultation as a neighbour whatsoever now I'm not happy with that but it hasn't affected me as it might affect others but I can see some good points in that the only way I would know if if a house has been built next door to me is when the digger moves in and starts stripping the la luckily I have neighbours either side and in front of me it makes no difference. planning land over here especially domestic or light industrial or restaurant type shops et cetera is done on a different basis to the UK. A major plan is drawn up over the years which allows so many shops so many houses so many whatever and you know this because when you want to build a property, you go to the council you have a look at the council plan and you can see what you can build and get away with. We don't have this massive waste of money. I'm not saying our system over here is any better because the red tape in Spain is phenomenal but certainly on planning it seems to work quite well where I live under the Barcelona region I've been here 25 years now so know the system fairly well.

I'm Tory voter my entire life to my entire life I'm ashamed of what they've done over the last 14 years, during that period my voting rights were taken away from me as an expat living in Spain and I was not able to vote over Brexit or some of the general elections because I've lived outside of the UK for 15 years ,that has now been rescinded and I will be voting very shortly via post in the next general election and it won't be for the Conservatives because in my humble opinion they cabbage our country good and proper, right at this moment I don't trust any of the parties and I don't know who to vote for. I'm worried that labour will just tax us to death by borrowing money and then getting it back via taxation. I'm very concerned that Reform party and their unvetted candidates could cause serious problems same goes with the Conservative party and probably the labour party personally I don't think the Prime Minister should have the right to call a general election when he wants to he should be set down in stone that the general election at the end of the five-year term so that we all know when it's going to happen we all know and complain for correct candidates who can be vetted properly.

I'm also very concerned with labour and their plans possibly for proportional representation. Personally I favour first part of the post vote the thought of PR coming into post force and not sending up with say for example a complete Muslim only party would seriously worry me, we've changed our country enough over the last 30 to 40 years and it needs to stop. I personally favour us stopping immigration altogether. Yes it will cost millions. Yes some universities will close but most of the ones that will close will probably only only offer rubbish degrees anyway and don't deserve to be universities. In my opinion we need to get our own people into work as that means they've gotta go and pick the crops in the fields they've gotta go and do it, I did it as a kid every single summer until I was 19. What's the big deal?.

However, we should all have the right always to eject a government if they're not doing their job properly, I personally believe now it's time for coalition to form a stable one possibly from all three parties to try and run the country successfully because I don't believe any one of them on their own will run it correctly.

As to Amazon, I buy regularly from Amazon because it saves going to the large shops and wasting my time because they deliver next day always and sometimes on Sundays if you're lucky and the returns quality is brilliant a lot of the time you end up keeping the kit depending on its value and how many times you send things back but generally I find the service very good and no bad comments to make about it certainly in my area and I live in the country not in a town.

The Amazon driver, my way very well and if the weather is inclement and will leave parcels in a plastic bag, not that it rains that much here anyway.

Okay, rant over. I've been.stuck in hospital for seven weeks so I'm pretty fed up. I've got a terrible infection following a transplant on the 26th of April I was discharged from maximum of five days on the 27th of May and the fifth day I felt so ill. I couldn't even drive into hospital. I had to call an ambulance because my wife was at work so I'm 40 km away so ambulance took me in and was in 15 minutes. I was admitted and taken upstairs to a ward and the next morning operated on. Why can't the NHS seem to do that in the UK?
HEAR! HEAR! I'm with you on immigration, & NOT wanting 'The Others' taking over!🤔
Don't mean to bash anyone that uses amazon but I stopped using it years ago. I think the whole thing is toxic. It's a megacorporation making one person extremely wealthy beyond comprehension. I don't want to give Bezos any more money for rockets or super yachts, while he hires and fires people on min wage via AI programmes. Also like Musk trying to block any unionisation that might possibly mean he doesn't have quite as many billions.

We often lament how nobody takes pride in anything anymore and highstreets are failing and prices are rising and then buy into a company that is predominately the reason for this outcome.
We often lament how nobody takes pride in anything anymore and highstreets are failing and prices are rising and then buy into a company that is predominately the reason for this outcome.
That's just plain wrong. The main reason high streets are failing is that people go to big supermarkets to do so much of their shopping. They do all their routine shopping, and fair bit of non-routine too, in a single place that's easy to park.
Greengrocer/Butcher/Fishmonger/Delicatessen/chemist/newsagent/hardware/off licence/florist Plus you can often add clothing/books/gardening/DIY/motoring/frozen goods even optician/dentist/car wash etc.
The most recent nail in the high street is online banking, that leads to branch closures and further loss of footfall.
It's not Amazon's fault, it's out of town supermarkets that we all use.
That's just plain wrong. The main reason high streets are failing is that people go to big supermarkets to do so much of their shopping. They do all their routine shopping, and fair bit of non-routine too, in a single place that's easy to park.
Greengrocer/Butcher/Fishmonger/Delicatessen/chemist/newsagent/hardware/off licence/florist Plus you can often add clothing/books/gardening/DIY/motoring/frozen goods even optician/dentist/car wash etc.
The most recent nail in the high street is online banking, that leads to branch closures and further loss of footfall.
It's not Amazon's fault, it's out of town supermarkets that we all use.
I may well be wrong in amazon being the predominate reason for failing highstreets but it is certainly another contributing factor. Supermarkets are just another type of megacorporation though. I was speaking to a guy who ran a music store in my town and he said people would come in and try a guitar then take a picture of the label so they could then buy online as it was cheaper. Unsurprisingly the shop is no longer there.

Our highstreet is mostly charity shops, hairdressers, tattoo parlours and takeaways now. Pretty much everything you can't get online.
But it is us to blame, we embraced supermarkets for there convenience and the local shops suffered, now we use Amazon for it's convenience and delivery to the door but can buy almost anything so having a larger impact on retail and we buy cheap asian machinery and then moan about the quality but again it is us to blame. Amazon prime is a very clever marketing tool, they know if you are given free delivery that now you will buy an even wider range of goods such as AA bateries simply as you have paid for prime delivery.
That's just plain wrong. The main reason high streets are failing is that people go to big supermarkets to do so much of their shopping. They do all their routine shopping, and fair bit of non-routine too, in a single place that's easy to park.
Greengrocer/Butcher/Fishmonger/Delicatessen/chemist/newsagent/hardware/off licence/florist Plus you can often add clothing/books/gardening/DIY/motoring/frozen goods even optician/dentist/car wash etc.
The most recent nail in the high street is online banking, that leads to branch closures and further loss of footfall.
It's not Amazon's fault, it's out of town supermarkets that we all use.
And council parking bandits , Swarms of them up here that will be on you as soon as you walk away from your vehicle. I have never seen so many .
That's just plain wrong. The main reason high streets are failing is that people go to big supermarkets to do so much of their shopping. They do all their routine shopping, and fair bit of non-routine too, in a single place that's easy to park.
Greengrocer/Butcher/Fishmonger/Delicatessen/chemist/newsagent/hardware/off licence/florist Plus you can often add clothing/books/gardening/DIY/motoring/frozen goods even optician/dentist/car wash etc.
The most recent nail in the high street is online banking, that leads to branch closures and further loss of footfall.
It's not Amazon's fault, it's out of town supermarkets that we all use.
I think we've moved on from the "Mall" concept, as our American cousins called it.

The Mall/shopping centres are now in decline as shopping has moved online, not just Amazon.
Who are these "Others"?
I think he's referring to my comment regarding proportional representation where I suggested that if we went down this route we could end up with an Islamic party which could end up being in power in parliament something that would actually worry me quite greatly.

I'm not racist in anyway but I believe that our nation's values are changing totally outside of our control and current and subsequent governments allowing too much controlled and uncontrolled immigration worries me deeply that we could end up with a country that no longer represents the very people who originally created our great nation.

Before anybody says I have no right to comment I do I live in in both countries I pay taxes in both countries. I employ people in both countries and I vote in both countries.

It beggars belief that we were once the greatest seafaring nation in the world and we can't stop some f**king rubber dinghies from landing on our shores, we can't even stop the just stop oil protesters from dowsing places with orange paint ,blocking roads or trying to break our greatest ever book the Magna Carta for God sake that book is probably the most important book in the world and we can't protect that. The police in our country our powerless. In Spain the police., even the lollipop man all carry guns, if you mess with a copper here they'll just shoot you. There's no messing about and they will shoot you. Yes, controls are in place, obviously, outside of those rules you likely to get shot.

I'm sorry to say that we are laughing stock of Europe and we are pathetic. What's needed is a government with pineapples that can make the hard decisions that need to be made and sort out the problems our nation has, people being murdered on the streets of London every day and other capital cities our kids are out of control in the cities and something needs to be done whether it's popular or not.

Sadly it's my belief that a future labour government will only allow more immigration, more taxation and will end up bankrupting us over the next 10 years and seeding more control to future minorities.

I might upset some people now because I'm sick to death of it in Spain and the nationalist bullshit that regularly comes out of Catalonia where I live about independence personally I would dump the governments of Scotland Wales & Northern Ireland, a total waste of time and money , put the power back into Westminster and get the country working. Why do we need three extra governments for minorities? We don't pandering to people always.

It's about time people woke up to the reality, giving power and putting it in the hands of local government is a guaranteed route that allow people to abuse the system, waste money and steal from the system making millions for themselves they just can't help themselves. It's human nature. at least in one place we can control it.

If you don't realise this or have any idea about this just watch a few episodes of Clarkson farm and you'll see how stupid local government is when you try and get local working together to employ people to sell their own products of price they where they can actually make a profit and it's turned down by a snotty nose local council who don't like Clarkson it's ridiculous. These are the people that are running our country and which is why it's falling into the state it is, I see it in the UK and I see it over here in Spain. the same problem caused by the same reason devolved government.
Irony meter hits end stop
I also happen to live in the UK pay taxes in this country pay taxes in Spain vote in both countries and employ people in both countries, can't really see what's ironic about that. Politics in the UK has nothing in Spain., living in Spain for 25 years and you'll see what real politics are like? It's a goddamn nightmare here.!! Busy fighting with each other nothing ever gets done