Well, leaving aside the silliness of that paragraph (I was earning money from Adsense while I was still making a living from fitted furniture, and I have no idea how much credibility Piers Morgan's left foot has - do tell) that's absolutely your right to hold those opinions, no matter how wrong or baseless they are. 
I'd have to dig out the paperwork to be sure, but I was taking my 7Kg figure from the original docs that came with my Lamello - the folks who make the machine, not the ones trying to sell you one. Or - wild idea - try watching the part of the above video where the Tenso-fitted carcass collapses under its own weight as I turn it from its end onto its base - around 09:45 - and then tell me with a straight face that that's '25Kg of retention force' per fitting, in action; that's 30 Tenso connectors in that carcass, btw, all letting go with alarming ease.
As for Peanuts, use them, or don't - I really don't care one way or another - but as I've said repeatedly, they're an interesting connector, and an alternative that's worthy of consideration, whatever jointing system you already have in place. I'm a long term Domino user and I can't imagine being without one as it is, in my experience, the most flexible and versatile jointing system by far - but that didn't stop my buying a Lamello Zeta. And owning both didn't stop my trying the Peanut system - which incidentally, was designed for exactly that kind of awkward joint (long mitres/bevels) in the lowest-end materials imaginable.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. P