Does anyone offer a CNC service to create wooden inlays?

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Established Member
10 Nov 2021
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Hi, I'm not really sure if this is inappropriate or not - apologies if it is.

I'm making a oak keepsake box for my nieces' wedding. I would really like to embellish it with some inlay and I was going to try a router inlay kit but I've never done it before and I'm rapidly running out of time to start learning plus I'd like this to be as good as possible, so...

I was wondering if anyone on the forum offers a service that I could pay to have this done?

I thought perhaps someone with a CNC machine could rout out the image on the lid and cut the contrasting inlay to match and fit perfectly - I can then glue it in and finish it flush.
I'm happy to travel and as I said pay (within reason - what is the going rate?) anyone who can help in and/or around Salisbury/ Wiltshire/ Hampshire/ Dorset or even Oxford in the next week or so.
Having done a quick google I couldn't find anything so I thought I'd ask here. But if anyone knows of a company I can contact that would also be great.

I've no idea how these things work but my understanding is you need a particular type of file to program the computer. The image I was hoping to use is a Sikh Khanda (they are a very orthodox Sikh family) on the outside of the lid and an entwined "GG" (initials of the bride and groom) symbol on the inside of the lid. I can get these as JPEGs. I was looking to use some mango wood that I have as I thought it would contrast with the oak nicely.

Any help and advice is always much appreciated, and as always thank you in advice for taking the time to read and respond.

