Thank you so much all and your advice John by b.
Rails and stiles aside (no issues there), what let me down was the cutting of the panel. Baring in mind that I have no reference square:
- cutting the mdf sheet for the panel was done by striking a line with the “lidl square”, placing the track on the like and make the cut. Problem here, the lidl square is not square
- accurately cutting on the table saw is fine but before hand I’m checking for square of the fence with the lidl square which is not square
Result is the panel is skewed (couple of mm) and therefore the corners of the assembled door are not flush. Luckily I managed to plane that flush but still, it’s not perfect.
Please correct me if I’m wrong but I think I need to do a couple of things:
Get a square that is reasonable square and not off my a couple of mm. This will be my reference.
Mentally get my head round squaring a sheet with a table saw or anything, I must admit I’ve watched lots of videos but still the “mechanics” of it I need to understand better. Yes I know about corner to corner measurements. I think I need to always remember to place the straight edge against the fence (silly I know)
As always any advise is appreciated. It’s the only way I learn
Thanks guys